How To Protect Your Hair From Damage When Using A Flat Iron
Straight hair is the latest trend in hairstyle. Everybody wants long, straight hair, but what to do when nature gave you curls and waves?
Luckily, stylists have thought about this, so there’s no shortage of hair straightening tools. Thanks to their effectiveness, flat irons are the most popular ones. However, they can damage the hair, so you need to know how to protect it. If you don’t ignore this step, you can enjoy a beautiful, straight hair without exposing it to damage.
1. Choose a good quality flat iron.
There are multiple types of flat irons. The very cheap ones don’t offer you any possibility of choosing the temperature. They are usually the most dangerous, as their default temperature setting is too high. They burn your hair, making it more fragile and dull.
2. Always apply a heat protectant prior to straightening.
You can protect your hair by making sure you apply some special serum or coconut oil before flat ironing it.
3. Choose one with adjustable heat settings.
Consider buying a model that allows you to set your own temperature. Most of the time you can obtain the same results at a lower temperature setting, so there’s no point in harming your hair for nothing. You may need to pass twice in order to get the look you want, but this is much nicer to your hair than too much heat.
4. Protect it from the elements.
Hair strands are very fragile, so they can easily get deteriorated. Even bad weather, harsh winds, intense sunlight or cold can affect its structure and make it lose its natural shine and volume. Since it is so easy to ruin it, you should offer your hair a second chance by taking good care of it.
5. Condition regularly.
If you want your hair to preserve its elasticity and vitality for a very long time, you need to make sure it is properly protected and nourished. Consider applying a nourishing mask at least once a month, and never flat iron your hair without special protection.
There are so many special products that it would be a shame to let it become ugly and dull instead of helping it thrive and shine.
In addition, if you don’t know what to choose for your specific type of hair, you can ask a beauty advisor. They can be found in most shops and malls, so you won’t have difficulties in finding one. Besides, the internet is full of beauty blogs, many of them being really useful. Consider subscribing to a few of them, as you may discover great hair care tips to help you look better.
The other secret many girls have no idea about is that wet hair is the most fragile. You should never use the flat iron on wet hair (unless it’s specifically made for it). This can damage it severely, despite all protective measures you may take. Always make sure your hair is completely dry when you style it using heat. This is one of the golden rules of good looking hair. Now that you know it, follow it and you’ll be happy to notice the difference. Remember that even slightly wet hair is very frail, so it should be allowed to dry before being subject to intense heat applications. You might even want to share this special tip with all your friends, as chances are they have no idea about it.
Even when you dry your hair before styling it, you should consider using a heat protective serum. There are such special products in all cosmetics and hair care shops. If you don’t now any brand, ask the shop assistant to recommend you something. When applying the product, read the instructions and proceed accordingly. This is how you can be sure you are going to benefit from full protection.
The other thing you could do to offer your hair a bit more protection is to use a straightening serum together with the flat iron. These serums have a special property that makes the hair strand become flat, thus allowing you to use a lower temperature and still obtain awesome results.
The way you look is very important, as it can help boosting your self-confidence. Nonetheless, you should consider that the health of your hair is also very important, as it contributes to your gorgeous looks.